Where is the Love - Part Two.

As we continue our series on heart-centered relationships, this week we’re focusing on those we surrounded ourselves with, our besties. It is often said you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Who is that for you? (If your answer included a toddler, keep reading!)

What Brings You Joy?

What brings you joy? Did reading that question cause your heart to skip a beat? Do you find yourself holding your breath? If this is you, you're not alone. Take a deep exhale and keep reading. When I ask clients this question, I usually hear crickets. Many can’t immediately tell me what brings them joy as they’re often operating on autopilot from a place of stress. Joy is a state of being often tied to feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Labor of Love.

You know those dreams you have? Consider this your sign to take the first step. After pursuing a gigantic dream of mine, I now compare chasing your dreams to birthing a child. Although, let’s be honest, everything I know about that came from the movie, but hear me out!

Making Mistakes.

Have you ever made a mistake? You think you know better but then repeat it. Tell me I’m not alone in this!? 😩 That negative inner critic can scream so loudly and the spiral can catch you off guard if you let it. Read more to see how I handled it and get some ideas for the next time you're caught in the shame cycle.