All tagged Goal

How to Start Manifesting Your Dreams in 5 Simple Steps.

What do you want most in life? Is it a particular career? A loving relationship? A big house in the country of your dreams? Whatever it is, there’s a way to make it happen—and all it takes is a shift in thoughts and energy. This process is known as manifesting, and it can completely change your life. I talked with Faith Geiger at SheFinds about the power of manifestation and how to try it out for yourself.

2017 One Word Challenge

Have you ever heard of the one word challenge? The concept was introduced to me a few years ago and really resonated with me. Rather than creating a laundry list of resolutions you are likely to abandon three weeks into the new year, you simply choose a single word that sets the tone for your entire year. It can be anything - sparkle, laughter, family, health, change, determination, perseverance - whatever you like.