All tagged Faith

Divine Intervention.

Sometimes when things go wrong, they’re actually going right. God uses all things. All people. All scenarios for His good. The question is, are you willing to let go of your plans for the day to allow Him to work in your life? The next time you experience a delay or change in plans, pay attention to how God shows up. I promise He’s there. 😉

Lessons From My Ex Mother In Law.

I was 19 when I met this Jackie. Clear as day, I remember sitting on the couch with my ex-husband (then a nervous 21-year-old) as we awaited his mother’s arrival home from a softball tournament. Little did I know then that her vivacious spirit would help raise me from a young, naive college student to a grown woman.

Finding Love.

You may have noticed I’ve been MIA lately. There’s a reason. I didn’t mean to fall in love. Honestly, I didn’t. While many thought it would happen, I knew that wasn’t what this journey was about for me. But you know what they say about making plans…

Being Vulnerable.

I’ve always cared what people think of me. I’m guessing I’m not alone in that regard. In her book “Daring Greatly,” Brene Brown challenged me to consider who these “people” are who often influence my decisions.

Balinese Healing Experience.

7 a.m., my driver suggested. 7 a.m. Doesn’t he know I’m still asleep! 8 a.m., I wrote back. After much back and forth, we agreed I can be second in line and leave at 8 a.m. He brought me an offering. Why hadn’t I thought of that? You put the money in the offering and hand it to the healer Ngurah, my driver, told me.


It’s always fascinating to me how the lessons I’ve learned along my travels continue to show up for me when I need them most. I guess that’s how life tends to work though, you simply have to be open and willing to receive the message.