Simply Mandi

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Supporting New Growth.

Rubber plant - 0. Milo - 1. 🤦‍♀️

I was a plant mom long before a dog mom. Milo is Patrick’s dog that I’ve adopted. However, he’s specifically “Patrick’s dog” when he’s bad. You get it, right?! 

I have this sweet rubber plant that I’ve been growing for years. It sits in the bay window where I do my morning meditation and journaling. Daily, I admire its steady growth. One particular morning last month I was fawning over the gorgeous new leaf that had opened. This leaf was giant and beautiful.

I was so proud of the plant and the way I’ve cared for it over the years. It’s so cool to see the slow, steady growth, as it’s a reminder that I, too, am growing slowly and steadily.

Enter Milo. He’s neat, fiercely protective, and a bit destructive too. He frequently leaps from the guest bed to the same bay window without a second thought to fend off passersby with his not-so-fierce-but-definitely-ear-piercing bark.

The same day I admired the new leaf, he apparently saw an onslaught of other dogs, kids and parents out for a stroll.

From the safety of his bay window he decided to give them a piece of his mind, energetically pacing back and forth. He got so excited in his vocal defense that he pushed said rubber plant off the bay window where it fell to the ground and the pot shattered.

Sweet Patrick to the rescue! Knowing I’d be devastated, he bought another pot and fixed it before I got home. Or so he thought. I walked into the house to see the once tall, beautiful shoots had  limply fallen over.

With as much love and caress I could muster, I manhandled the plant. We repotted it again, adding some posts and twine to hold the stalks upright while the plant takes root again.

It was in shock. I watered it, spoke love over each morning, and kept Milo away.

This morning, as I’m typing this when I should be meditating, I see a newly opened leaf. It had to have happened over night, and here it is soaking up the morning sun.

Friend, even when we are tall and strong, life happens. Something will come along and rock our world. Yet, the sun continues to shine.

As each day passes, we begin to take root. We stand a little taller, walk a little lighter and keep growing even when it doesn’t feel like it. 

With the right people, tools, support system and a little love, we heal.

Whatever you face in this season of life, know that it is temporary. You are growing even if it doesn’t feel that way, and I’m here to support you however you need.