Love Yourself.

Love Yourself.

Yesterday, I had a massage for the first time since I left Bali a year ago. I debated gifting that to myself. Did I really need one? After agonizing over it for 4 days, I broke down and bought myself a massage. Let me tell you, it was worth every penny. 

Why is it that we are willing to spend money on others, but not on ourselves? Why is it that we pour into others’ lives, but won’t pour into our own? Someone else needs help moving, I’m there. A friend is feeling under the weather? I don’t think twice about canceling plans. In fact, let me bring them soup while they rest. Feeling bummed about a break up? Let’s go get a pedicure and enjoy a nice glass of wine to cheer you up. 

Yet, when I’m feeling down, I sit on my couch and continue down a negative spiral. When I’m feeling sick and just want to rest, I think of all the laundry or cleaning that needs to be done. And then I push myself to get up and finish what I started. 

Self-care and self-love are SO important to our health, both physically and mentally. Our bodies are these amazing machines that we can push to extremes, yet they also need love and attention. 

Many times we think that focusing on our own well-being is selfish. Listen, sister, it’s not selfish. It’s necessary. You cannot pour from an empty well. You need to take care of your own physical and mental well-being so you can show up for your kids, spouse, friends and work fully and completely. You are worth the investment!

So where do you start? A little self love doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. Below are 26 ideas to get you started:

  1. Meditate. 

  2. Write yourself a love letter. (my personal FAVE)

  3. Take a nap.

  4. Watch your favorite movie. 

  5. Curl up with a good book. 

  6. Buy yourself fresh flowers.

  7. Create something with your hands - painting, knitting, gardening. 

  8. Do something on your bucket list.

  9. Burn the good candle - you know the one you only light on special occasions?! That one!

  10. Take a bubble bath. 

  11. Get a massage. 

  12. Paint your nails or treat yourself to a mani/pedi.

  13. Put on makeup to go to the grocery store.…because why not?

  14. Wear your LBD on a Tuesday. 

  15. Try a new hairstyle.

  16. Journal.

  17. Grab coffee with a girlfriend.

  18. Dance around the living room to your favorite music. 

  19. Give yourself a facial or put on a face mask.

  20. Bake - and enjoy the fruits of your labor without guilt!

  21. Go to yoga. (obviously)

  22. Enjoy a glass of wine, just because. 

  23. Say no - to whatever or whomever - without feeling guilty!

  24. Treat yourself to a nice dinner out - no fast food!

  25. Move - whether it’s Crossfit, lifting weights, or simply taking a walk, do something physical.

  26. Hire a coach. ;)

I invite you to join me in 28 days of self-love this February. Let’s take this month to press pause, reset, and recharge ourselves. Share other ideas for self-care or self love in the comments below. The more ideas and suggestions, the better!

As you practice self-love this month, share on Facebook or Instagram using #28daysoflove so we can all follow along!

Blue Sky.

Blue Sky.

Be Present.

Be Present.